Gay male tube xhamster

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XHamster has restricted access to its site and removed content in response to political issues concerning the LGBT community and rape culture. In May 2016, xHamster launched The Sex Factor, a reality series competition where contestants compete to become a porn star. Surpassing 10 million members in 2015, xHamster became the third most popular pornography Internet website, after XVideos and Pornhub.

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to find mutual friends online and maybe discover partners interested in intimate relationships'. xHamster was envisioned as a social network a spokesperson said the site's content organization scheme was intended to allow 'people who wanted to chat, exchange erotic pics and share amateur videos. In early 2007, Russians Oleg Netepenko and Dmitri Gussew, who publicly appears under the name Alex Hawkins decided to create a new adult video service, and xHamster was launched on 2 April 2007. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for further suggestions. Please improve the article by adding more descriptive text and removing less pertinent examples.

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